The Dioulaba is a hunting camp and tourist fishing located in Senegal (Kédougou). It has four hunting camps 02 hunting camps for small game hunting and 02 hunting camps for great hunting. We also have two fishing zones in Saly and Mbour. hunting areas: Salemata hunting small area of 60,000 hectares (private), FALEME large hunting zone 120 000 ha (private) Enjoy your stay in Senegal to get to the hunting camp "The Dioulaba" to measure yourself against all types of games. The hunting of turtledoves (small hunting) hunting Lions (big game), elect domicile, the time of your holiday in one of four tourist camps made available. conditioned rooms, bar, dining room, and dedicated staff at your disposal waiting for you, ready to make your stay enjoyable and memorable. Located 700 km from Dakar, Kedougou is located in the extreme southeast of the country, along the Gambia River, in the hills of Bessari country, and 30 km waterfalls Dindefelo. The camps are easily accessible by road, but also by air. They welcome you from December to late April to take advantage of the high density of game and warthogs during this period. Remaining attentive to your projects, be aware they are there to give life to your hunting trips ideas in Senegal.