Time Difference: EST + 6 hours Current Time and Date in Western Sahara
Currency: Currency Converter – Moroccan Dirham (MAD)
Travel Advisory: State Department Report Western Sahara
US Embassy in Western Sahara:morocco.usembassy.gov
Health: CDC Western Sahara
What to Pack
Weather: Western Sahara Weather
Communications: Dial 011 followed by country code 212.
Travel Requirements
- Passport
- Visas are NOT required for all US Passport Holders traveling for fewer than 90 days, if you are not a US Passport holder, please consult the embassy in your region.
- Proof of immunization (Yellow Fever)
Diplomatic Missions
Embassy of Western Sahara
Embassy of Western Sahara in Washinton, DC.
Embassy of Western Sahara in London
Embassy of Western Sahara in London.
Embassies of Western Sahara
List of Embassies for Western Sahara world Wide
Warm Season: June- September; Average high temperature above 94°F and average low of 66°F
Cold Season: November– March; Average high of 66°F and average low of 40°F)
Language: Arabic and Spanish are the official languages; English is widely spoken
Sites of Interest
El Aaiun
is one of the top tourist attractions in Western Sahara. And here, people will get to see a number of historical and recreational sights that would give more meaning to the time they spend in this corner of the world. El Aaiun, otherwise known as Laayoune, was actually a city founded by the Spanish in 1928.
is another one of the top tourist attractions in Western Sahara, located a few miles away from El Aaiun. And it mainly serves as port town to ships that are on their way to Morocco or the Canary islands. It also has a large airfield that serves a French airmail carrier company. And it was here where the French author and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery was stationed and inspired to write the popular novella.